Under Eye Fillers in Rawalpindi

Under Eye Fillers in Rawalpindi, Islamabad & Pakistan

Do you look tired always due to under-eye circles? Longing for fresh facial appearance? It is advisable to undergo through dark circles treatment at Dr. Asher’s Aesthetics Clinic Pakistan. You would be able to attain a younger and fresher look through our advanced and effective remedies for under-eye circles with Under Eye Fillers in Rawalpindi, Islamabad & Pakistan.

What are dark circles?

Dark circles are dark brown or black blemishes around eyes.

What Causes dark circles?

Here are different causes of dark circles under eyes.

  • Facial Aging: When we aged then eyelid skin loses its elasticity, which causes dark circles. This is also resulted due to thinning under eye, bulging under eye fat, volume loss in the cheeks and under eye.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Dark circles are consequence of our lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol consumption, dehydration, sleep deprivation, caffeine consumption and dietary deficiency.
  • Other causes: They are sun exposure, environmental exposure, nasal congestion, allergies, hyper-pigmentation, venous congestion under eye blood vessels and certain medical conditions.


Benefits of Under Eye Fillers in Rawalpindi treatments

Here are some benefits that you can grab through treatment of under-eye circles.

  • Get Fresh Look
  • Wonderful eyes appearance
  • Look younger
  • Stop aging effect on eyes
  • Get rid of under-eye puffiness
  • Restore lost volume under eye
  • Get back lost volume of cheeks
  • Enjoy youthful appearance

8 Best Treatments of Dark Circles under eyes

You need to contact a dermatologist whenever you want to treat the dark circles in an effective manner. A physician will fully examine your eye circles and may recommend you one or a combination of 2-3 treatment depending on your condition. Here are common treatments offered at Dr. Asher’s Aesthetics Clinic, Rawalpindi Pakistan.

1. Skin Lightening

It is a least invasive procedure in which topic bleaching agent is recommended by a dermatologist. When the dark circles is resulted due to hyperpigmentation then this treatment seems to be the best. Doctor uses hydroquinone and Kojic Acid, normally.

2. Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

Doctor suggests IPL when blood vessels are prominent under eyes as dark purple or blue. However, every doctor doesn’t suggest using intense pulsed light therapy as it has certain side effects. When a person has vascular pigmentation issues then this treatment is suggested.

3. Chemical Peel

This is among the most effective skin resurfacing treatment. Doctor uses low concentration TCA (trichloroacetic acid) for exfoliating the top layer of skin. This treatment lightens the per orbital area. Darkness of this area can easily be decreased through TCA. The patient needs to wait for a few weeks before he gets promising result of this non-surgical treatment of dark circles.

4. Laser Resurfacing

Another effective remedy for circle under eyes is to undergo through laser treatment. During this procedure, doctor uses antibacterial cleanser for cleaning the area under your eyes. He uses a wand-like tool for concentrating laser beam on dark circles. He moves this tool slowly around the area. You need to apply moisturizing creams prescribed by doctor just after the procedure. You need to avoid sun exposure as much as you can. Results of this treatment are quite amazing since dark circles disappear quickly.

5. Facial Fillers

Sometimes, dark circles are caused by thinning under eyes or fat/volume loss of upper cheeks or under eyes. In this situation, doctor suggest you to undergo through facial fillers. Inject-able fillers comprise of hyaluronic acid are used for restoring volume to tear trough or upper cheek area. Results of this treatment are temporary yet very good.

6. Fat injections

These injections are exactly alike with facial fillers. Fat transfer is another name of this treatment. Doctor tries to correct volume loss or thinning under eye skin problem through it. In this procedure, patient’s own fat is injected under eyes. The results of this treatment is permanent, you are able to get rid of dark circles of eyes once you have it.

7. Eyelid Surgery

No doubt, the most effective treatment for dark circles in Islamabad is to undergo through eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. The results of this treatment are permanent. People get younger and smoother look after it. Doctor performs a surgery on lower eyelid for diminishing the dark circles. In order to get the remarkable results, doctor usually combines it with other surgeries such as tear trough implants, addition/removal or under eye fat or arcus marginalis release.

8. Cheek lift

Aging process affects the volume of cheeks to a great extent. A cheek decent or drooping is caused by facial aging. Doctor performs cheek lift procedure when he wants to diminish under eye circles, puffiness and deep folds.

Consult with Our Expert Dermatologist

It is not possible for you to understand what main cause of your under eye circle is and what the best treatment would be. Therefore, you should consult with our experienced dermatologists at Dr. Asher’s Aesthetics Clinic for best Under Eye Fillers in Rawalpindi. Our expert physicians are always ready to guide you in the right direction. They first like to examine your under eye circles and medical history before they suggest you the best treatment. Depending on the level of darkness around the eyes, doctor may suggest more than one treatment. Combination of laser resurfacing and chemical peeling often brings good results. In order to get rid of dark circles, which are caused by structural changes in peri-orbital area, doctor asks you to undergo through a surgery either cheek lift or eyelid surgery.

Our advanced treatments will make it easy for you to remove your dark circles in a way that you would be doubtful whether these were there before or not. Don’t look tired anymore, when our effective treatments will present a gift of “Fresher and younger look” to you.

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